I am an ex Rheumatology specialist nurse turned photographer with a passion for close up and macro, nature, still life, creative portraiture, landscapes and gig photography. Over 19 years of enjoying photography, I relished learning various genres, concentrating initially on capturing images of amphibians and reptiles ( another hobby of mine). More recently I have been concentrating on floral, fungi and other close up nature images as well as learning still life. In 2023/4 I concentrated more on focus stacking macro subjects such as insects, fungi and flowers aswell as a project with submerged flowers and folklore. I also explored more abstract photography, in particular ICM and abstract.
For 2025 I want to explore more creativity and abstract. I am enjoying ICM and multiple exposures, as well as incorporating my own art
I have always been inspired by folklore, fantasy, paganism and fairy tales, so it is no surprise that this has influenced my photography, more evident in portraiture but I am sure you will see what I mean as you browse my galleries. I love nothing more than to create an image that is ethereal, magical or looks like it could belong in a fairy tale book.
Whilst I no longer have one "niche", it used to be amphibian and reptile photography, now many describe me as a flower, or still life or macro photographer. I would say my speciality is close up photography, both in studio and nature. I have been honing my skills, taking what I learn from each genre and applying it to improve my favourite genres. I am confident and competent in gig, portrait and landscape photography but rarely do any of these now simply due to health related restrictions.
I produce a lot of my photography from home, using a mini studio set up in our dining room, simply because my health does not allow for energy demanding activities - this does not stop me from producing beautiful images but does restrict what I am able to do and how often. I mostly photograph personal projects for my own enjoyment and to enter competitions. I can undertake only rare occasional commissions, but I am unable to undertake frequent regular work simply because of my current health. Do feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss a commission - I cannot give a price list due to the diversity of what I am capable of and what you may require, but will try to work out an individual package suitable to your needs.
I am often asked if I run workshops, give camera club talks etc. I used to, but at present I do not, I hope to in the future as my health allows and will update here if I start to do so. I may be able to offer
1 to 1 tuition in person or online on close up photography or editing.
I have recently given two online presentations on fungi photography and floral photography, hosted by Camversation, which were recorded. These talks can be purchased through Camversation to watch ( not through me). I am still not giving camera club talks as these 2 hour talks both made me very unwell for several days, so its not worth doing this regularly. I will be doing more recorded talks for Camversation as this is the only way that I can realistically manage and these will be available for you to purchase and watch back. Follow this link to purchase the recording. https://www.camversation.co.uk/product-page/fantastic-fungi-angi-wallace
I am slowly trying to get to grips with producing content for my new Youtube channel clicking the link above right.
My biggest achievements to date are
Winning Overall photographer of the year with the Guild of Photographers 2024, as well as Open POTY & 4 Bars.
Winning the UK round of the EISA Animal Kingdom portfolio competition with a portfolio of 8 focus stacked insect images.
Photographer of the year with the National photographic society (NPS) for 3 years,
1st place International Garden photographer of the year's Still life category 2021 and 2022 ( with 6 images placed, including 3rd 2021),
1st place International garden photographer of the year Beauty of Plants category 2023 https://igpoty.com/competitions/the-beauty-of-plants-competition-17-results/
1st place International garden photographer of the year's Black and White category 2024 https://igpoty.com/competitions/black-and-white-competition-18-results/
2024 - IGPOTY 2nd abstract, HC portfolio, placed in fungi & Beauty of plants.
Winning 1st and 2nd place in Camera Jabber Photographer of the year 2022,
Winning Plant and fungi photographer of the year 2020 with the SWPP,
Winning 1st place in the WPE flowers category for 2022
Winning Amateur photographer magazines Close up round in 2020 and in 2024
As well as gaining an associateship with the SWPP in nature photography.
I have had my work in numerous publications and was Editor of Reptile Care magazine around 2009/10, responsible for writing reviews, articles, the layout and day to day running of the magazine for 2 years. Since then I have been published in numerous magazines, books, album /book covers, newspapers and websites such as the BBC news, evening Chronicle, Amateur photographer.
If you are looking to purchase my textures or overlays you will find a link at the top of the page and my blog contains helpful directions on using textures.

IGPOTY2024 awards
2nd, Finalist & HC in Abstract
HC in Beauty of plants
HC & C in Fungi
HC in Portfolio
SWPP 1x Gold in Open Avante garde & 1 HC in Macro
Guild of Photographers 1 silver & 7 bronzes
Published in Cameracraft magazine
Guild of Photographers Overall Photographer of the year 2024
& Winner of Open Photographer of the year
& 4 Bars ( Open, Pets, Scapes & Nature)
& top 10 in Natural world, Pets & scapes.
SWPP 3 HCs upgraded to Golds
SWPP nominated POTY in Macro, Botanical & Flora & Pets
The Guild of photographers - Finalist images - x3 in Creative, x1 in Insects, x 2 in Flora , x 1 in Nature
Article published in Amateur photographer magazine on Submerged flowers
ND awards Bronze award for portfolio of 5 submerged flower images
Amateur photographer magazines Close up & macro competition 1st place
Guild of Photographers 3 silvers & 8 bronzes
SWPP 1Gold & 4 HCs
NPS 2 Golds & 2 HCs
Guild of Photographers 3 silvers & 7 bronzes
SWPP 2 Golds & 1HC
IGPOTY Square crop commended
SWPP Illustrative competition 1st place https://thesocieties.net/illustrative-photography-competition-1st-place/
Guild of photographers 2 silvers & 8 bronzes
SWPP 1Gold & 3 HCs
Guild f Photographers 2 silvers & 8 bronzes
SWPP 1 Golds & 3 HCs
NPS 1 Gold & 2 HCs
Guild of Photographers 2 silvers & 7 bronzes
SWPP 1 gold & 2 HCs
WPE - Flowers catagory 1 silver
1st place Black and White, International garden photographer of the year
Guild of Photographers 4 silvers & 7 bronzes
SWPP 1 Gold & 3 HCs
SWPP 1 Gold & 2 HCs
Guild of photographers 1 gold, 1 silver, 5 bronzes
NPS 2 Highly commended
SWPP 4 Golds & 2 HCs
Guild of Photographers 1 Gold, 3 silvers, 9 bronzes
NPS 1 Gold & 2 HCs
IGPOTY 1st in Beauty of Plants & 1 x HC
IGPOTY Highly commended & commended in Fungi
The Guild of Photographers 3 Silver & 10 Bronze
SWPP 2 Golds & 5 HCs
NPS 1 Gold & 7 HCs
Photo of the week on Ephotozine
Camera Jabber December 23 winner
SWPP 1 Gold & 3 HCs
SWPP - Macro POTY 23 - runner up
SWPP Illustrative POTY 23 - runner up
SWPP Botanical & Fungi POTY 23 - runner up
One Eyeland top photographers of 2023 7th place
Photocrowd 1st out of almost 3000 in Red & green competition
November 23
SWPP - nominated for POTY 2023 in macro, illustrative and plants categories
SWPP Highly commended in Botanical & Landscapes
SWPP 4 upgrades to Golds in Macro, Botanical & illustrative
NPS 1 Gold & 2 Highly commended
October 23
SWPP Highly commended in Botanical & Macro
NPS 1 Gold & 3 Highly commended
IGPOTY 3rd place in Still life category
August 23
2nd overall place in EISA Maestro The Animal Kingdom
Portfolio competition International finals
SWPP Highly commended in Illustrative
July 23
SWPP Highly commended in Macro & Pets
NPS 2 Golds & 2 highly commended
June 23
2 Golds & 3 HCs in NPS monthly competition
2 HC in SWPP monthly competition
May 2023
May 2023 - 1st place in EISA Maestro The Animal Kingdom
Portfolio competition (UK round) https://tinyurl.com/bden4d5v
May 2023 - 2 images shortlisted in APOY macro competition
May 2023 - 3rd & 2x Highly commended in SWPPs Food photography
competition - https://sicip.net/food-23/hc.htm
May 2023 - 2nd place plus 6 Highly commended plus 1 merit in Nikon
NPhoto flowers and plants competition.
May 2023 - 7th, 9th & 2 highly commended in Digital Photographers
Still life competition
May 2023 Highly commended in Canon's Photoplus magazines
Golden hour competition
May 2023 Two Highly commended in SWPP monthly competition
April 2023
April 2023 - 10th & 2x HC & 1 merit in Canons Photo plus magazines
Close up nature competition
April 2023 CameraJabber shortlisted image for POTY
March 2023
March NPS 3 Gold awards 3 HC awards
March 23 2 HC awards SWPP
February 2023
February 23 Gold & 3 HC awards SWPP
February Highly commended image in IGPOTY Beauty of plants
February Highly commended image in IGPOTY Abstract
February 2023 1st place and Gold award in WPE Flowers category 2022
February 2023 two silver medals in the WPE Macro category 2022
January 2023
January Highly commended image in SWPP Avante garde
January 2023 2 images shortlisted in Macro category and 1 in the In camera artistry category of the SWPP Photographer of the year. Results in March
JANUARY 2023 1st and 2nd place in Camera Jabber photographer of the year
October 2022 1st place and 2 commended in IGPOTY Still LIfe project
August 2022 2nd place in Amateur photographer magazines Close up competition with "The Kiss"
August 2022 Winner Photographer of the year with the NPS ( National photographic society - 3rd year in a row)
August 2022 3rd place in IGPOTY Macro category
August 2022 4 images Shortlisted in Amateur photographer magazines Close up round
January 2022 Shortlisted in CUPOTY Challenge - Two of a kind with two images
2021 - IGPOTY - Still life project - 1st place, 3rd place, Finalist, 2x Highly commended & 1 commended
2021 - 1st & 2nd place Beauty in nature competition, SWPP
2021 IGPOTY Shortlisted in Macro category
2021 CUPOTY 2 images Shortlisted in Floral & Fungi category
2020 National photographic society - Photographer of the year
2020 1st place Beauty in nature competition, SWPP
2020 Plants forests and fungi Photographer of the year, SWPP
2020 1st place Close up photography round APOTY
2020 IGPOTY - Beauty of plants 3rd place
2020 IGPOTY - Still life highly commended
2020 CUPOTY images shortlisted in Floral and Animal categories
2019 National photographic society - Photographer of the year
Numerous Gold and HC awards with the NPS & SWPP in their monthly competitions
Licentiate with SWPP 2010
Associateship SINWP ( nature & wildlife) SWPP 2011